The Upmost Rhino Project is focused on protecting rhinos in Africa from the increasing threat of poachers in high risk poaching areas as well as funding rescue and rehabilitation efforts for rhinos injured in attacks. There are two ways you can help. 1) Join an Upmost Rhino Project expedition where you will be able to get hands-on with rhinos in the wild during a poaching prevention operation. The cost of your ticket to join the expedition will help fund the costs mentioned below. 2) Donate directly to this project. Your donation and/or your participation in a rhino project expedition will help fund the following:
- Veterinarian fees
- Helicopter and pilot fees to track the rhinos at the highest risk of being poached.
- Costs associated with ear notching and tagging the rhinos for identification and tracking purposes.
- Ground support teams.
- Lodging costs for team members.
- Medical supplies, milk, vitamins etc. for baby orphaned rhinos injured by poachers.
- 24-hour security patrols around the reserve parameters to safeguard the rhinos from poachers.
- Costs to subsidize local and international volunteers.
- Marketing /advertising costs to bring awareness to this project.